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Effective Ways To Cut Your Kids Schooling Costs

Whenever the school season is just around the corner, there’s only one thing that parents are thinking about – the impending costs. Education is a primary right and a pertinent need of every child but it can become very costly. Availing of scholarships and education grants for your children is the best way to get them through schooling. But of course, only a small percentage of children can be given these privileges. Read More »

How To Perform Breast Compressions The Healthy Way

Breast compression is a method where you gently squeeze your breast to put extra pressure on the milk glands. The immediate result will be either an increase in the flow or the release of more breast milk. Breast compression essentially stimulates an easy milk let down or ejection reflux.

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How Early Can Pregnancy Symptoms Occur? Read To Find out

Every woman is different, as is every pregnancy, so the only way to know you’re expecting for sure is to pee on a stick (sometimes more than once). How soon can I get pregnancy symptoms before I miss my period? Some women experience common early pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts, nausea, fatigue, sensitivity to smell or bloating within days after conception, or about a week-and-a-half before your period is scheduled to arrive. Read More »