Yipeeee…We are Now On YouTube!


Hello lovelies, how are you all doing? Happy Sallah celebration to all my Muslim friends all over the world hope you all are doing great?

It’s been a while we had our chit chat right? Oh yes I know, forgive me, yours truly has been extremely busy with my business, website and also Vlog! Oh yes, you heard me right!

I recently started my baby/maternity shop and I had to make it work, I started building the site because I just had to do it to my taste, You can check it out here www.kharkharkiddies.com you can also find us on Instagram @kharkharkiddieshsop, but we will discuss more on that soon as we make some finishing touches to the site.

I also started my new Youtube channel ….Drum rolls ….!!!! and it has been amazing!!! Do you know after thinking and sleeping over it for years, waiting for that perfect camera and lightning, I told myself yesterday, babe receive sense!!!

I just had to start! I had to just start anyhow, I checked my channel and noticed I actually opened my channel since 2014 and I screamed, what have I been waiting for? Well Gods time is actually the best, Yesterday I took the bold step and recorded one video and published and the love has been amazing, I will try and publish more videos as time goes on God help me. Amen!

You can actually watch the video here, and please don’t forget to like it, subscribe and please share to your friends and even enemies if you have one but I hope you don’t …Lol

I have another interesting gist for you guys and I will reveal it in my next video/blog post. God is really awesome.

To say I love you all is an understatement, thank you all for being amazing, I appreciate all the love you guys share, I will try and make out some time to visit your sites and drop some comments.

Thanks to all our sponsors and advertisers, we appreciate you all as well.

Happy Holiday everyone and God bless you all.


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