Tips For Sweet and Juicy Fruits in 2018

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We all love our organic fruits. Most gardeners understand that how the fruit is grown has a direct effect on its taste. It also has an effect on the nutrient values of the fruit. Compare the taste and health of a plant that is grown on a commercial farm with a plant that is grown in a home garden, and you can see, feel, and taste the difference.

Below we are going to give you some tips that we have gathered from experienced gardeners on how to get your highest yield and the sweetest and juiciest fruit from your plants.

  • Keep them healthy

Fruit plants are prone to viruses. The only way to ensure that your fruit plants will not have viruses is to use a virus-free and high-quality seed. My Seed Needs is an industry leader and provides the highest quality seed for any size garden. You can find them here:


  • Prepare your soil correctly

The more fertile the soil, the better the crop. Make sure the soil is tilled properly and that none of the plants that were planted there before remain. Test the soil to see if the PH balance is correct. If it is not, add nutrients to the soil before you plant.


  • Drainage

Fruit plants need plenty of water. The roots must have water to properly grown. However, do not over water them. You should minimize the amount of water on the leaves and be sure you have adequate drainage.


  • Where you plant matters

Fruit plants require a lot of sunlight. But, do your homework. Before deciding what to plant, determine how much direct sunlight the plant will get. Most fruit trees require 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day and good air circulation.


  • Use organic compost

The best fertilizer is compost that consists of organic peelings and things from your kitchen. Compost also assists with the drainage of the plants.


  • Find out if you need cross-pollination.

Apples and pears are good examples of trees that need cross-pollination. They need another blooming tree of a different species planted next to them to get the best fruit. Citrus fruits do not usually need cross-pollination. You seed vendor can help you with the selection.

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What are the easiest fruits to plant

If you are new to gardening, you may feel a bit nervous about which fruits are easiest to grow. Here are a few examples of fruits that even a novice gardener will be able to raise.

  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Figs
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Currents

These fruits are considered soft-fruits and they are easier to grow in small places that fruits that grow on trees. They grow full and quickly in a smaller area. Of course, if you have room for a few apple trees, they too are easy to grow, and there are many varieties.

It is okay to learn as you grow. These plants are hearty, and not easily destroyed. You can trust them to grow even if you were not 100% in the know when you planted them. You will get better with time. For a beginner, this list is almost fail-proof. So get started on your garden today. The sooner you get the seeds in the ground, the better.


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