Hello fabulous people, how are you all doing? happy weekend to you all .How are you all enjoying the weekend?
Well for me the weekend has been fun filled with a lot of activities, Oh yes! at least I exercised today…Yippee, don’t mind me please Lol.
So guess what? hubby travelled to the East for a burial earlier this week and he came back on Friday and guess what? he brought back this delicious OKPA for me, If you are an Igbo and an Enugu State indigene you will understand why am happy right now Lol .
In Enugu state Okpa, is a popular food there and it’s made from Bambara nut seed which is normally cultivated by the northerners and mainly consumed by the Igbos, Enugu people most especially it is very rich in protein good, very good for the body, nourishes your skin, anyone can eat it both young and old, makes your skin to shine just like the saying goes,you are what you eat.
Its been like 2 years since I ate it last, not all these rubbish they normally carry around in trays here in Lagos.
So I dealt with the food and my body is really singing a new tune. Here are some of the pictures to quench your taste hehe…Ok bye
I will be posting the video on my vlog soon..Take care all and have a splendid weekend ahead!

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