Hello everyone, hope you all are doing great and also enjoying your holiday? , me am really enjoying mine o.
Thank you to everyone who have subscribed, dropped comments on the blog and also shared my posts with your friends and family members.Thank you so much

Today, I’m going to be talking about how to spot your passion, you know the best business for you to start is one you love and you are so passionate about.

Then the question becomes, what do I love to do? All of a sudden, we just cannot figure out what we love to do.

I see a lot of people coming on Facebook groups to ask people to suggest to them the kind of business for them to do and I just read and shake my head, at times I comment but no ONE can ever spot your PASSION, you must do a business you love or you are passionate about.

In fact, I use to ask my siblings the same question, none of them ever got what I wanted to hear, when I got married, I started disturbing my hubby to help me but he couldn’t give me the answer, he told me I love almost everything, and a master of none.  Can you imagine? ..Oh YES! it took my years to figure out what I actually loved doing.

The answer to this question is difficult to answer for some, while for some people it’s just nothing but hey! this is supposed to be the simplest question to answer because it is what we love to do, right?

If you love doing something, then you should know what it is, then why is it so difficult to find out?

One day I finally got the answer to this question, and in this post, I am going to share with you the steps I took to help me discover what I loved to do.

1.Figure out your inner self

It took me years to figure out who I really am, what I love doing and how to go about it confidently without listening to what people might say or feel about me, am passionate about what I do and I sincerely love it. When you are passionate about something the monetary aspect will not even be an issue, whether you are making money out of it or not you will not care about that.

2. Be Confident 

Being confident is one of the most important things in discovering who you really are, paying attention to everything you do is another important aspect. No matter the task ahead of you, you need to be confident and also do it passionately its either at the end of the day you hate it or you love it.

3. Take action

If you have a passion for something you would love to do but have never done it before, just go ahead and do it. Follow your heart, be confident, be a risk taker, don’t wait for things to get perfect before you venture into it, be a goal setter. Once you start, you will love it and then find other means to make it work.

Yes! it’s that easy, YOU can do it, Yes YOU CAN

I would love to hear from you, if you have something you would love to do, please share it with us in the comment section below.

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Lots of love

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  • Reply
    Nwamaka Ajaegbu
    August 1, 2016 at 2:15 pm

    Hmmmm . . . I have questions but not for today.

  • Reply
    Tessy Onyia
    August 1, 2016 at 2:16 pm

    Ok dearie, am waiting patiently. Thanks for stopping by!

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