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Happy childrens day to all the beautiful kids in the world!

Happy children’s day to my kids and all the children all over the world, as we celebrate you all today, may God continue to be with each and every one of you that where ever you are and today, may he continuously imbibe good knowledge and understanding on to your hearts and make you all good leaders of tomorrow.

And to all the mothers of these lovely kids, I say kudos to you all..may God continue to guide us all so that we will be alive the reap the fruits of our labour.

God bless you all

Tessy Onyia

Lemons the new method to keep your face shining and flawless!

According to Wikipedia, lemon (Citrus × limon) is a species of small evergreen tree native to Asia.
The tree’s ellipsoidal yellow fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world, primarily for its juice, which has both culinary and cleaning uses .

The pulp and rind (zest) are also used in cooking and baking. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid, which gives a sour taste. The distinctive sour taste of lemon juice makes it a key ingredient in drinks and foods such as lemonade and lemon meringue pie.

They are two types of lemon you can always find in the store or in your local market which is the organic lemon which is normally yellow outside and then the local or green lemon which is normally found in Africa as pictured below.

Lemon is very good for cooking, baking and also cleansing our body, a good source of vitaminC which is never harmful to the body, it has about 5 to 6 percent of citric acid so it is safe to use and can never harm your skin or face.

Here is the little secret if you really want your face to be very smooth and flawless.

Get a lemon cut into two halves and then take one half and rub on your face for about 30minuites,squeezing out the juice for maximum effect,

After applying it wait for about 15minuites before washing it off with warm water, remember, do not apply on your face if you have a wound or scare there because it will cause you more pain and also if you have a dry skin try applying coconut oil for dark skinned people and carrot oil for fair skinned 
people immediately after washing it out to avoid breakouts.
But if you have an oily skin, you might not need to apply any oil afterwards just dry your face with clean face towel and you are good to go.

Do this at least twice a week then come back and let me know how it all went, don’t forget to snap before and after pictures and send it across to us.

We would love to hear from you.

Have a wonderful night rest ,

Goodnight fam!

Tomatoes the new gold in Town!!!

Hello my beautiful people, sorry the update is coming late again! Lol, my kids are on mid-term break through Monday and Tuesday to resume back on Wednesday.So I’ve been very busy, no help,no nanny, so no rest here at all, please my apologies!

Ehen so back to the matter, so yesterday after church service, while coming back hubby asked me to get fresh tomatoes for jollof rice, even with the alarming increase in price, I pleaded with him to use the leftover stew to prepare the jollof rice since that was what he wanted but he said NO!

So that’s how I branched into the market, scanned through from the first to the last person selling tomatoes but I couldn’t find any reasonable and fresh one, then I entered the market and saw these beautiful fresh tomatoes and priced it guess how much? Can you guess???

 I bought this 6 heads of tomatoes for #500, Yes! you heard me right,I taught it was a joke sef, hehe but the sellers kept on pleading and complaining on how everything has increased tremendously, On a normal day I buy a full paint bucket of tomatoes  for #500 but the reverse is the case.

A basket now sells for #30,000 and above  against the normal price of  #3,000 to #15,000 depending on the size and specie.
But against all odds we shall survice, on the other news, my jollof rice turned out great and it was a beautiful weekend,I totally forgot to take pictures was so hungry, next time I will not forget to do so at all…Lol
Have a beautiful week ahead beauties!


Tessy Onyia

Happy Sunday TOB Family!

Happy Sunday beautiful people,so sorry its coming very late but hey its better late than never.
I attended 11 am service today and it was such a beautiful and soul lifting service.Trinity was the topic of the day hence my picture…yea..

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Draya Michele shares childbirth video to celebrate mother’s day

Reality star Draya Michele of Basketball wives took to her IG page to share a video of herself giving birth to her son last month. The proud mum who has a child from a previous relationship was given the privilege to pull her own child out as she gave birth to him. She wrote:
Happy Mother’s Day to the women out there. We are created to recreate and that is the biggest gift of all from God. I had a silent delivery because I didn’t want to stress my baby and when I pulled him from my body I’ve never felt so important. I’ve made mistakes and had some growing to do and this little guy came at the right time. Orlando, thank you for Jru, Tatiana and Taylor,and loving Kniko unconditionally. Yesenia, bestie, godmother, sister….I couldn’t have done this without you and Orlando by my side. Thanks to my Dr. And a special #happymothersday to Shonna my nurse. I’m strong. #reachoutandbringlifeintotheworld Jru is a month today, and what a special day it is. ❤️ sorry if this offends anyone. I’ll be removing it shortly.Watch the video below..


According to Wikipedia, depression is feelings of severe despondency and dejection. It is also a long and severe recession in an economy or market.

Lately, a lot of people are been depressed or are depressed but they don’t want to open up, they are there just dying in silence, I ask again why?
From my own point of view, this thing is beginning to take a big part of most peoples live now, who should we blame it on, the poor economy of the country or is it just our own mindset? I’ve noticed that  a lot of people don’t take their health seriously when it comes to things like this. When you are depressed you should be able to open up and let people know where and how to help you out.

Here are some ways one can actually overcome depression

Getting the quality amount of sleep is good for our body and mind. Sleep deprivation is a cheap distraction for depression.


If you can do it, try one hour of cardio (or as much as you can).


Many times we’re making ourselves sad for no good reason at all. You need to forgive people and move on so that you can be happy. When you forgive, you rescue yourself from this pressure and put yourself in a position to be happier.

Always complaining about one thing or the other, always hard to please can cause us to be sad. Most times we just don’t count our many blessings. Sit down and make a list of what you’re grateful for right now you’ll be glad you did.


This is a huge issue, we don’t drink enough water. The days when you drink only 1 cup of water, you don’t feel as good as when you drink 2-3 liters , you’re happy and active.

Taking time out with friends

This is your life force, support system, and everything that matters. It’s easy to make friends if you put the time in, go all out and have fun. Begin by listening, appreciating and loving, and it will come back to you.

Being depressed can make you feel helpless,irritable and suicidal you’re not alone, I urge you to speak out, open up and let people help you out along side with therapy and sometimes medication, you still have a lot of beautiful life to live.

Tessy Onyia

Yipee Janet Jackson is pregnant!

ET exclusively confirmed that Janet Jackson is pregnant with her first child. Janet Jackson who will be 50 on May 16th, announced last month that she will be postponing her tour to start a family with husband Wissam Al Mana.
She said:

We’re in the second leg of the tour and there actually has been a sudden change,” Jackson explained in a video posted to Twitter on April 6. “I thought it was important that you be the first to know. My husband and I are planning our family, so I’m going to have to delay the tour.”At first there were rumours that she was going to use a surrogate but ET confirmed that she is indeed pregnant with her first child.

Congratulations to her and her Husband.