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The Nigerian Afang Soup is a native food for the Efik people of Akwa Ibom and Cross River states of Nigeria but enjoyed by all Nigerians. It is also very nutritious as the soup consists mainly of vegetables. Afang Soup is prepared with a generous quantity of Water leaves and the wild herbal Okazi leaves.
Afang soup is fast climbing the top of the list of popular Nigerian soup. If you are interested in exploring Nigerian foods, this delicious soup would definitely spur your interest in Nigerian foods.When I had my last child, I had this good friend of mine from Akwa Ibom that always comes to play with my children, she taught me how they prepare this soup and since then it’s been Afang soup back to back for hubby, he loves the soup like its going outta wa o.Lol

So let’s make a delicious pot of afang soup, the list of ingredients below would make enough soup that would serve about 8 persons.

Ingredients for Cooking Afang Soup

400g sliced Okazi/Afang leaves

250g Water leaves

1-2KG of any meat of choice.( I used beef)

20 to 25 cl red palm oil

Beef, Kanda and Dry fish,Smoked fish(Titus),stockfish

2 tablespoons ground crayfish

Pepper and salt (to taste)

2 Knorr cubes

Fresh red/yellow Bell Pepper

1 medium sized Onions

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 Akara (Beanball) is a deep fried meal made from ground beans (Black eyed peas either white or the brown species) mixed with other ingredients as you will find out in this recipe to make a sumptuous delicious breakfast. It’s one of the most common meals you’d find on the breakfast table in most Nigerian homes during the weekends.

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Date fruit is one of the sweetest fruits around and also happens to come in different varieties. Although dates can be eaten fresh, the fruit is often dried, resembling raisins or plums. But whether fresh or dry, the health benefits of dates are enormous.It’s mainly sold in the northern part of the country by the Hausa’s and also other parts of Nigeria, its is popularly known as dobino in Hausa language. Read More »


Nigeria is by far the world’s largest producer of yams, accounting for over 70 percent of the world production according to the Food and Agricultural Organization report. In perspective, the world’s second and third-largest producers of yams are Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. According to the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria accounted for about 70 percent of the world production amounting to 17 million tonnes from yam cultivation…Well said! Read More »

Health Benefits of Avocados – The World’s Healthiest Food

So hubby traveled last week to the village for a burial and came back with these beauties, Avocado pears are also known as the world healthiest fruits because they are packed full with a lot of vitamins and minerals.I couldn’t wait to lay my hands on them and guess what they were not ripe yet, so I decided to tie them in a black nylon and keep them for just 2 days and dang! my delicious fruit is ready.

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My delicious okpa is in town Hurray!


Hello fabulous people, how are you all doing? happy weekend to you all .How are you all enjoying the weekend?

Well for me the weekend has been fun filled with a lot of activities, Oh yes! at least I exercised today…Yippee, don’t mind me please Lol.
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